Lundhytta has been building holiday cabins in Oppdal and Rennebu in the county of Trøndelag for 40 years
The Fibo wall system is easy and straight forward to use
Sales manager, Leif Jonny Lund

With an architectural designer amongst its 20-strong workforce, customers can have their dream cabin designed exactly to their specifications. They can also choose from a range of standard designs.
All bathrooms are fitted with the Fibo wall system as standard. Long-lasting quality, easy installation and numerous designs mean that few customers choose to replace it with a different wall system. Cracked Cement is by far the most popular design.

Customer review
“The Fibo wall system is easy and straight forward to use, comes in a range of styles and is easy to sell to customers because of its design.” Sales manager Leif Jonny Lund
- Easy installation
- Wide range of designs
- Cost-effective
Fibo wallsystem in a wide range of designs
Reference projects
From residential building projects and shops to kindergartens, health centres and hotels: see how and why they chose Fibo.
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